How to autodial on Windows (was Re: Can PMMAIL (win) do this?)

Cristian Secara PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 02:43:35 +0300

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 11:37:53 +0200, Joerg Bencke wrote:

>Fist of all one commtent to Christian : YOu do realice, you mail with HTML
>format without really using extended formatting ? (Just in case you did
>not notice, cause HTML has apretty big overhead :-)

Yes, I know what I am doing.
I know very well that [with PMMail98], in case the composed text has not any style intervention, the message is sent as text only, even if 'HTML Formatting' option is checked.
(there's even a bug here, if PMMail -> Properties -> Fonts -> Body text is set to 'Default'; one workaround is to set it to 'Arial')

My opinion:
1. Yes, some overhead. So what ?
2. I give more importance to what a message says and looks, than carrying about few bits overhead
3. On short messages, the overhead is little when comparing to the header of the received message
4. The overhead of my messages is comparable with some others gigantic signatures and/or excessive quoting
5. Please evaluate the percent of the overhead of this message, sent one day by Steve Lamb, another one that addressed a reproach to me regarding HTML overhead:

>It's not there.


- --
             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!
- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- --xHFwDpU9dbj6ez1V
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: Mc4+DKdpZZZ1/OaBwa/1goApDLzEJGDY


- --xHFwDpU9dbj6ez1V--

>So if you want to use the DUN with NON-MS Apps, you have to configure it
>in the DUN Menu and not with the INTERNET Options.

Speaking about Win98, the only dial-up settings I found for this subject were in Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections.
I found nothing in the DUN Menu.

>The INTERNET options do sometimes work due to default installations,
>yet they only relate to MS products.

Speaking about Win98, that does not apply.
'Always dial my default connection' option manually checked = Worked fine with Netscape and PMMail98.

>The thing is : with the hooks, provided, we users could build that
>ourselves, so the question for all windows-victims out there :-)

I don't think there is a proper hook for disconnect action, regardless any DUN improvement.

Best wishes,

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