Text wrapping?

Kevin A. Foss PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 07:27:36 -0400

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 09:23:06 +0100, Jessen, Per wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Lynlee [mailto:lynlea@IX.NETCOM.COM]
>> Sent: 23 April 1999 05:45
>> Nostalgia is making me jump in on this thread.. ;)  I had a VIC-20.
>> Yes, it was my first computer.. Lesse.. that was in the mid 70s..
>  OK, last off-topic today - wasn't the VIC20 more like mid-80s ? By 1980
>  we had the ZX80, then ZX81 etcetera - I was certain the VIC and Commodore
>  out after those ?

Well this is getting way off topic from PMMAIL but you're right about
the VIC-20 not being around in the 70s.  Commodore was still making
calculators in the mid-70s, the Pet line didn't even come along until
1977 -- the VIC-20 was 1980 and the C-64 in 1982.   I was always more
of an Atari 800 type guy myself so I knew the Commodores were a pile of
@#&!$ anyway.

Kevin A. Foss   ---   kfoss@mint.net