Not dead yet...

Anders Gjerløv
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:45:39 GMT

>     This completely ignores all of the efforts put into all of the =

free unix
> variants. 

> I've used BeOS and its design isn't all that hot.  It appears to be
> a mix of Mac, Windows and Unix and fails to get any of it right.  I =

> it with a good level of enthusiasm which subsided after I actually =

used it and
> found it severely lacking.
Are you talking of the UI or the OS. If you are talking about the UI - =

it is a mix, but I like the mix ;o) If you are talking about the OS 
then I totally disagree with you. It is even more hot than it's made =

out to be ;o)

>     Feh, don't look at my X-Mailer line then.  :P
Ok - I won't :o)
