Old dates crash PMMail 2000

Trevor Smith pmmail@rpglink.com
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:30:24 -0400 (AST)

On Wed, 01 Dec 1999 17:14:11 -0500 (EST), Ralph Cohen wrote:

>I understand that you primarily support the Windows versions of PMMail,
>but can you tell us if these hangups and crashes caused by the message
>header have also been reported with the OS/2 versions?

I can't remember or find any reports sent to me of message headers
causing crashes or hangs in PMMail/2. (For those who don't know, I do
the tech support for PMMail/2.)

This doesn't mean it hasn't happened. If anyone has seen a message
that causes PMMail/2 to consistently crash when it attempts to
retrieve it (the message), please let me know.

 Trevor Smith          | We've got a blind date with destiny,
 trevor@haligonian.com | and it looks like she's ordered
 www.haligonian.com    | the lobster.         - The Shoveler