Colored Backgrounds

Wilson Rook
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:15:10 -0500 (EST)

There has been a lot of good points made about html mail (and why not to use it).

E-mail was created as a crude way to pass an ascii message from one computer
to another.  It would be very nice to hold onto the old and never change.  

The reason it took off so well is because it was simple and a bit informal.   E-mail
has evolved.  I prefer the old text/ascii email.  Keep is simple.   There are, however, 
many others who have a drive for quality in every thing they do.   They ask, how
can my e-mail message be made better.  In many cases html is a good choice.

As an option over an attachment, I would prefer an html email.  I don't have Office and it 
is a pain to open Star Office only to find the attachment to be one of the few that can't be 

I think the issues here are:
Why change e-mail when it's purpose is to be simple.
Do we support an open standard for formatted documents, or let MS do it for us.

I am an ISP, and I am more worried about the increases do to more customers vs. 
html-ed email.  There are more problems caused by the new users who try and
send a picture to 50 friends --- a large picture in a tiff format.

As an Internet User, html in email is going to happen and may be very good.
Colored backgrounds or gif backgrounds are of less value.   A web page may
be a better place for a presentation type page.  

Ofcourse, for the 10MB Tiff files, use FTP.

Wilson Rook