Wish List for PMMail

Jens Berg pmmail@rpglink.com
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:16:09 +0100 (CET)

More wishes:

- Don't quote the complete header when forwarding mails. To: From: Date: 
Subject: are enough IMHO. Or, even better, make it configurabe.

- An "edit as new" for mails that already have been sent. Should open an edit 
window with the header information (To, CC, Subject) filled out and the 
original mail body. Optionally either remove signature or suppress appending 
the signature again, when the mail is sent.

- Make LDAP work

- Add the ability to select more than one addressee at once in the RMB pop up 
address book (e.g. bei keeping Ctrl key pressed)

- Build in sorting function for RMB pop up address book

- Ability to modify the "On <Date>, <Name> wrote:" phrase, that is added when 
replying to a mail

- German spell checking (not very urgent)

Jens Berg, Werftstr. 27, 24148 Kiel, Germany
mailto:jens.berg@gmx.net Phone:+49 431 727712