PMMail/2 and Broken Telephone Connectinons

John Angelico
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:05:41 +1100 (EDT)

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:56:45 -0500, Agents wrote:

>I would like you to do the following test.  Download let's say 20 large messages in PMMail/2, while 
*this is still going on*, deliberatly disconnect the phone line, and have 
>your dialer automatically re-establish the connection.  I bet that PMMail gets stuck and will not 
recover.  At least in my hands, I then have to close down PMMail/2 and 
>reload it and it then begins to download the 20 messages again.  

I don't have large messages but I have lots (av 50/day).

When I do re-connect, I just re-start PM-Mail collecting mail and off it goes happily downloading the 
rest. I confess it is a while since this has happened so I may be a bit hazy.

So I will try again tomorrow when my main mail load will be waiting for me.

Best regards
John Angelico
Melbourne PC User Group Inc.
Email: or

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.. OS/2 is dead? Again? Thanks for telling me, I would never have noticed!