Another New Feature Request

Steve Lamb
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:01:17 -0800

Monday, November 01, 1999, 1:50:22 PM, Bill wrote:
> Actually, I have a more general observation. I do not see how an external
> editor helps at all or has anything at all to do with the problem. Do I send
> email with or without hard returns? This question is independent of editors.

    Well, see, Ralph stated that he would like to see a feature where reflow
was included in response to your rant on deleting hard returns.  Well, off the
top of my head I know that both joe and vim reflow quite nicely.  They even do
quoted text in a very sane manner.  Therefore PMMail gives you the option of
using an editor which *DOES* allow for reflow and, thus, eliminates your rant
of having to delete hard returns all the time.

    BTW, hard returns are a good thing.  I really dislike having only one
quote mark for a whole 20-line paragraph because some schmuck didn't have
word-wrap turned on.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.