OS/2 Sendmail (was: Mail store and forward gateway setup)

Wilson Rook pmmail@rpglink.com
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 16:28:47 -0500 (EST)

There is so much stuff in Sendmail.  Even the Sendmail.cf for os/2 is many many lines long.  

When you say IBM send mail does not support relay, what is this based on.  Have you tried 
adding the sendmail 8.9.3 stuff to an IBM sendmail.cf file.  (No disrespect intended)

Even if you can not block relay outright, could you filter for approved IP address and valid local 

I have been using PowerWeb which is a web server/email/ftpd package.  I have an external script
that does the filtering.  I'll post a copy on Monday.  (spam me if I forget).

Wilson Rook.

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999 12:21:21 -0700, Marty Abrego wrote:

>On Sun, 28 Nov 1999 07:42:16 -0600 (CST), John Thompson wrote:
>>No; AFAIK you need a newer version of sendmail to disable relaying. IBM
>>hasn't made one themselves, but sendmail 8.9.3 has been ported to OS/2 by
>>a third party:
>Ok, so we can have stable (IBM) or secure (8.9.3 port), but we can't have both!  That really BUGS me, because I LIKE 
OS/2 Sendmail, but I can't have my server open to relays...
>Has anyone here have any experience with sendmail alternatives on OS/2?  And, to keep it somewhat on topic, are 
there any ramifications to PM Mail in using an alternative?
>                  \\|//
>  Marty Abrego    (o o)    "Bases are better covered than asses."    
> -------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo---------------------------------------
>  photon@qnet.com                                - Mr. Realtime