PMMail Pledge

John M Price, PhD
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 08:04:32 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Alexander Sarras wrote:

> Count me in on that tally!
> I'd say 20US$ for an PMMail/2 Update containing aan improved PGP (intl)
> interface,

Improved?  It flat does not work.  This is a bug fix.  It is supposed to
encrypt to the recipient, as well as to the sender.  Presently it only
does the latter.

  70$ for a new Linux-version.
> I'd even offer another 15$ for an add-in IMAP-Module for my PMMail/2
> ...... 
> SaS
> PS: I'd prefer using credit-cards as banks here started to charge
> prohibitive additional expences when changing currencies.
> -- 
>  |      * Trouble * IS my middle name!
>                                                                     |            The TroubleShooter
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

John M. Price, PhD                           
Life: Chemistry, but with feeling!      |      PGP Key on request or FTP!
Comoderator: sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated          Atheist# 683