Death Knell for OS/2 Client

Brian Morrison
Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:09:09 +0100

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 07:38:18 -0700 (PDT), Don Morse wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 23:26:14 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>re:>  Exactly how many of those, Ralph, have been on slashdot?  How many people
>I guess slashdot is now the final authority....  ?

Well, I read Slashdot every day pretty much, and this latest IBM
decision is the first OS/2 related post I remember seeing there for at
least a couple of months. I haven't looked back in their archives
though. In general I see the usual *nix disdain on /. for anything that
uses backslashes in paths, so that includes OS/2.

It is a good way to keep tabs on Linux, OSS and related things, but
anyone who believes much of the opinions there is not using their
critical faculties well.

For interest, on Steve Lamb's mention of it, I tried the demon version
of The Bat. Looks interesting, but not very dissimilar to PMMail IMHO.
I don't think I will give up on PMMail just yet. I'm lucky in that my
OS/2 and PMMail use is not in any way related to real work, so I have
the luxury of choice.


Brian Morrison                        

 'The village populace is jumpin' on faces, catchin' the javelin, 
 Headin' the shot.' [FX: wet thud - "Oooo.."]