SMTP Not Working

Brian Morrison
Sat, 25 Sep 1999 20:09:17 +0100 (BST)

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999 08:34:31 -0600, Dave Serls wrote:

>  I used OS/2 sendmail 2.02 for about a year and a half, as my MTA, while online
>  to a dialup ISP.  When offline, a secondary MX record would cause delivery to
>  a 'domain-wide' POP box at the ISP.  This arrangement worked wonderfully, but eventually,
>  longer online sessions proved vulnerable to occasional relay attempts, not from commercial
>  SPAMMers, as far as I could tell.

Another option is to try out Peter Moylan's Weasel server, available
from Hobbes, although not in the latest version. If you get that then
you can get the latest from his ftp site in Oz.

It can block hosts and domains and allows reasonable flexibility. The
only thing I don't like is that it can take a while to notice going on
line, it looks for a file called online which you can copy into the
appropriate place on connection. I'm trying to get him to add in a
kick.exe type program to do the same as sendmail -q. I've tried the
sendmail 8.9.1 port and it's a bit flakey. The author has vanished too,
which is never a good thing.

- -- 

Brian Morrison                        

 "Almost noon, and she had yet to go the launderette in Concreton to 
 thaw out chickens in the spin-drier..."

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