Using PMMail 98 with NS 4.X?

Brian Morrison
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 15:45:57 +0100

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999 10:25:11 -0500, Alan Neustadtl wrote:

>	I have followed the discussion about using pmmail as mailer
>launched from a browser mailto link under IE.  Can anyone enlighten me
>about how to do the same for Netscape?  I have had no luck.  I did
>Tools/Internet Options/Programs as suggested for IE.

There is an API for Netscape that needs to be written into a dll or a
plugin so that Netscape can invoke the mail client appropriately. This
is not available in PMMail yet, I don't know if it ever will be.

I don't think that you can do the same thing with Netscape as you can
with IE.


Brian Morrison                        

 'The village populace is jumpin' on faces, catchin' the javelin, 
 Headin' the shot.' [FX: wet thud - "Oooo.."]