SMTP Not Working

Brian Morrison
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:04:20 +0100

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:41:14 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

>Wednesday, September 29, 1999, 8:37:08 AM, Brian wrote:
>> slow response. I would much prefer a hook that I can pull to trigger
>> things in the same way that sendmail -q does. I know it starts a
>> separate instance, but as by background sendmail is not actually
>> processing the queue there is no conflict.
>    This is also fine.  The original point, thouh, was that file semaphores
>were klunky.  Me, a check once a minute is not a performance hit nor is it a
>time lag to really concern oneself over.

Once a minute seems a bit slow to me Steve. My dial up box doesn't stay
on line too long because of high phone charges during the peak hours
(my batch file looks at the time to decide how long it stays on line).
As a result, if mail is delayed in starting to be sent out, it could be
still be spooling out when my box disconnects. I know, I need to write
something to look at the netstat output and decide which connections
matter and which don't. One day....


Brian Morrison                        

 'The village populace is jumpin' on faces, catchin' the javelin, 
 Headin' the shot.' [FX: wet thud - "Oooo.."]