HTML Revisited

Simon Bowring
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:55:23 +0100 (BST)

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 06:28:13 -0700 (PDT), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:

>Most customers (due to Microsoft marketing practices) buy a computer with
>Microsoft o/s and apps installed. They never see alternatives. As a
>result, there won't be complaints because these customers think that is
>the way computers operate. 

Absolutely true, but actually it's far worse than that....

Many (most?) programmers and technical staff have grown up only 
ever having used MS opereating systems from DOS to NT, consequently
important and previously well known, tried and trusted technologies,
techniques and "Good Practices" from other operating systems from
the 1950s-1980s have been effectively "lost"!

Concepts which were invented in the 50-80s (e.g. Anti-aliased
fonts), have now been invented again my MS (and often patented)!

There's a web site, the Microsoft Hall of Innovations which
lists all microsoft's thefts^H^H^H^H^H^H "innovations", and accepts 
them as real or rejects them.

Currently they have accepted a grand total of 2 genuine innovations:

1. Microsoft Bob - a piece of ludicrous chicken shit written
   or designed by Bill's wife (girlfriend at the time). This would 
   have been laughed out of town even by MS employees if they'd dared 
   speak up against Bill's Woman (would you?), so instead it got made,
   sold, er, 0 units(?) and Bill had to eventually reject it as, erm,
   "ahead of it's time" (that'd be cartoon time, then Bill would it?) 

2. That f*cking paper clip! Nuff Sed!

     and laugh (or weep)!
