filter question

Michael A. Yetto
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 18:29:00 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 13:26:20 -0300 (ADT), Trevor Smith wrote:

>Your syntax would be bad, if this feature worked. Using quotation
>marks around $ag.Materials$ will cause PMMail to search for those
>exact characters in the From: address.
>However, even without the quotation marks, this does not work (as I
>think you must have discovered already). I get a syntax error every
>time I use any variation of $$ or just on the right
>side of an expression -- CONTRARY TO WHAT THE ONLINE HELP SAYS.
>Can anyone confirm this? Is this an OS/2 only problem? I think it's
>just broken.

I can't tell you if it is an OS/2 only problem, but it works, after a
fashion in Win NT.  If the field being tested matches what is in the
address book exactly it will work.  If you changed the alias in the
book it doesn't register as a hit.  

To put it more clearly, if "Trevor Smith <>" is in
the header and I've changed the address book entry to have an alias of
TS with the name and email address the same it won't work.  If I leave
the alias alone when I have PMMail create the address book entry it
will work.  I can't remember if this worked the same way under OS/2,
but I think it did.

	Mike Yetto 			
Exercise abstinence from proclivity toward grandiloquent sesquipedalian verbalizations.

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