T-4 and counting...

Brian Morrison pmmail@rpglink.com
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:43:32 +0100

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:23:21 -0400, Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr. wrote:

>No it was in the old FAQ actually.   For the most part the FAQ was the
>old SouthSoft one, but there were some changes made.  The mailing list
>was put in there (section 1.03 
>http://www.blueprintsoftware.com/html/support/faqpm2.htm#1.03) shortly
>after someone told me about it.   : )

Speaking about being told about things, are you in any position to
release the promised update on BSW's plans before the end of the month?

Brian Morrison                                  bdm@fenrir.demon.co.uk
              do you know how far this has gone?
               just how damaged have I become?
                                      'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails