
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:44:09 -0700 (PDT)

Alright, here's a method which is less elegant than Python, Perl or Rexx
(I'd prefer Rexx :) but should be less painful than pencil and paper.

Keep in mind this is speaking from OS/2 machine, but should work on
Windows as well. The procedure sounds long, but it's easier than it sounds

1) Go to your Sent Mail directory
2) Type the following command:
   type * > file.txt
3) Type the following command:
   find "To: " file.txt > list.txt
4) Go open up list.txt in your favourite text editor.
   - Sort the list, because list.txt will contain "Reply-To:" and also
     "In-Reply-To" lines
   - From here, it's a simple select-with-mouse to delete everything but
     the "To" lines
   - Search 'n Replace the "To: " and replace with nothing
5) Okay, now you have a text file with a list of all your addresses. A
   second sort and you can easily weed out duplicates.
   - Now if you want, you can also replace all carriage return/line breaks
     with the comma character, so you have one continuous list.
6) Go to your sent mail folder again, simply copy one of your old messages
   to the drafts folder. This is going to be your template
7) Open up that copy of the message in the text editor. Replace everything
   in the "To: " line with the contents of your address file from before.
   Go save it. Isn't it nice the e-mail is text readable? :)
8) Fire up PMMail, go to your Drafts folder and edit your message as
   desired before sending off.

Really, it's not that hard. Probably easier than picking up Rexx if you're
a non-programmer.


On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, David Gaskill wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 11:11:33 +0200 (CDT), Winfried Tilanus wrote:
> >There is still the option to do it by filter:
> >
> >Create a manual filter that adds the sender to a address book that is
> >created for this purpose select all the mail in the folder, apply the
> >filter and send everybody in the address book the mail.
> >
> >This should be fairly easy.
> Many thanks for your suggestion which works well when applied to the 
> Inbox. Unfortunately I need to get the addresses of those to whom mail 
> has been sent from the contents of the Sent mail box and it seems that 
> it is only possible to add the "From" address to an address book and not 
> the "To" address. 
> Can you see any way around this? (Not involving Python ...)  
> David