
Brian Morrison
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:14:45 +0100 (BST)

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:36:00 +0100, David Gaskill wrote:

>On Tue, 13 Jun 2000 18:27:18 -0500 (CDT), Hazen Woods wrote:
>>>>Anyway, I am perfectly happy with it as it is but I would be rather 
>>>>surprised if it was still being supported in any meaningful way in a 
>>>>year's time.
>> I'd be surprised if it was being supported now.
>Yes, it looks like they aren't doing any further work on PMMail, (and 
>who can blame them?), but I believe they are still providing e-mail 

I think you are incorrect. BSW are actively working on PMMail, it's
just that we have not seen anything new yet I suspect due to
miscalculation of how long it would take their programmers to get to
grips with the code and necessary modifications.

I'm as frustrated as anyone, I have sent email to appropriate people to
ask what is happening. As yet no replies, this is most likely due to
unwillingness to commit to inaccurate estimates.

Let's face it people, there are few clients anywhere near as good as
PMMail, someone has to keep faith that improvements will appear.

- -- 

Brian Morrison                        

 "Almost noon, and she had yet to go the launderette in Concreton to 
 thaw out chickens in the spin-drier..."

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