OT: HTML in news

Simon Bowring pmmail@rpglink.com
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 09:46:50 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 17:58:30 -0500 (EST), Dan Casey wrote:

>Well .. I've already seen HTML in USENET News Groups ... I normally
>just delete it.

Some news host's filter out all HTML, when I was with ibm.net a number
of years ago, they filtered HTMLs and even binaries from groups without
binaries in the name or explicity mentioned in the groups' charters.

What these poor innocent souls/twats (delete as appropriate) don't 
realise is that if they post in HTML, then their messages will not 
even reach a great many people.  Add to this the number of people 
who won't or can't read the message because it's in an HTML 
attachment, and they've generated a very convoluted way to chuck 
their postings in the bit bucket!

AFAIK this was exclusively netscape's fault - they started shipping
a version of communicator with HTML posting to news enabled by 
default. Embrace! Extend! Screw everyone! Die! Great business plan.
