UUencoding, UUdecoding, etc.

Cristian Secara pmmail@rpglink.com
Wed, 24 May 2000 01:40:19 +0300

On Mon, 22 May 2000 17:01:18 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

>>May be for you.  For me, e-mail is free, for http/ftp I have to pay
>Then you would much rather have the ftp/http option and you know it!

Might be I was not clear.

From home, all my internet traffic is through normal telephone line,
33k modem.
1. for normal internet browsing (full access) I pay the telephone
per-time cost AND the ISP connection per-time cost (two separate
things, two different companies). If calling by night, the telephone
cost is negligible, whereas the ISP connection cost is constant during
all day.
2. for e-mail only (local access to ISP's server only) I pay the
telephone per-time cost ONLY. The e-mail connection type has no time
counter, only an annual fee. For this type of connection, I still can
lease a ftp account on the ISP's server, but at a relative high price
(something like 10$ / month). It is much cheaper to write a CD and send
the software by surface mail ...

>2: You're connected to get mail and you don't have much choice in what comes
>across the link.

Big deal. Up now (~ 4 years), the only unwanted mail was simple
commercial spam (less than 10k).
I was curious about the VB script content of I LOVE YOU, but had no
luck :)

>3: If they send the link instead of the file you can choose to refuse to
>retrieve it and thus not have to download it all.  No connection time.

The usual way is something like this: my friend calls me (voice) - do
you want this (say a MP3, less than 5M) ? If yes, ok, break apart and
e-mail me (then get my e-mail after 23.00). If software piece bigger
than 5M, then ok, wait for me, I came with a HD to take it.
Never ftp complications ...

The only reason for ftp I find when addressing the same piece to more
than one person (extremely rare).

Best wishes,