Simon Bowring
Wed, 04 Oct 2000 11:10:46 +0100 (BST)

>Well, if you're using PMMail, then after looking at things over on
>BSw's site I think you'll agree that this list is by and far the best
>vehicle for getting support. 


When blueprint first took on PMMail and I took a look at the support
forums, I was appalled by the clunkyness of the web forum application.
I've not got sufficient patience to use that!

A mailing list is sooo very much convenient, and I'm sure there are
probably web front ends to mailing lists if BSw have to have an 
appalling inconvient slow clunky idiot-level web interface (it's
certainly do-able)!

I'm not using the BSw site (and certainly not on a daily basis like I 
use this list, neither do I want to be subscribed to another PMMail
list unless there are major benefits). 

I'm staying here while the list remains and there are significant 
people still here, and I'd like to add myself to the list of people
who are pissed off with Blueprint. 
