Minimize to Status Window bug

Trevor Smith
Sat, 02 Sep 2000 23:19:34 -0300

On Sat, 02 Sep 2000 21:40:25 -0400 (EDT), Jim Hruska wrote:

>Thanks,  that did it...  I have no idea how it became black on black,
>but ctrl-drag of white onto it made it how it's supposed to be again...
> Thanks a lot...
>I sent this to the mailing list so others can see that this is the
>solution, since at least one other person was having the same problem.


My question for you is this though: does the white on black turn to
blackon white when the status bar flashes to indicate a new message?
Or does it turn from white/black to white/white? (i.e. does the text
disappear on every second "flash"?)

 Trevor Smith          |
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