Why this phobia to HTML mail?

Simon Bowring pmmail@rpglink.com
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 16:29:15 +0100 (BST)

>Screw it, I think from now on I'm going to compose all my email in TeX.
>It is a markup language that is used for typesetting books.  Clearly that will
>get my intent across, right?  How about it, you with me?

Yay - An even better idea...!

IBM do a plug-in for IE (and NS?) called TechExplorer - it lets your web 
browser interpret TeX directly, I think all mail clients should implement
the same "solution" so that we can have all use HTML-ised-TeX-mail(TM). 
that'll keep the weanies confused for years to come. But shit, Steve, I don't 
think TeX supports colour or flashing yellow on red... :-(
