[pmmail-list] It Was Bound To Happen -- HELP !!

Phil Kane phil at kanafi.org
Tue Feb 26 02:08:08 CET 2008

I have been using PMMail from its inception in the OS/2 days, and 
continued to use it when we went to Win 98, then NT, and now XP.  It was 
working really well up until last Thursday when XP had a major failure, 
and had to be reinstalled.  From that time on, any attempt to start 
PMMail results in an error message "The application failed to initialize 
properly (0xc0000018).  Click on OK to terminate the application." 
Reinstalling a fresh copy of PMMail 2K Pro (or Standard) did not make 
any difference.  My wife's machine runs the same WinXP and PMMail setup 
as mine does and it works just fine.

Looks like it's still a WinXP problem and I'm sick and tired of messing 
with reinstalls of that monster - everything else seems to work OK, and 
I have a lot of apps to reinstall in spite of having full backups and 
MS's Transfer "Wizard" files available.

OK  - MY MS rant is over.  Now I need some constructive help.

I have reluctantly installed Mozilla Thunderbird as my mail program, but 
it lacks two features of PMMail  - use of an external text editor for 
composition, and storage of messages as individual files.  If I can get 
PMMail back to life I would stick with it.  Otherwise, I'm going to have 
to use T-Bird.

First "thank you" will be given to anyone who can decipher that error 
message enough to tell me what is missing.  I'm enough of a hacker to 
swipe a copy from my wife's machine and pout it on mine.

If that doesn't pan out, there was some discussion of a migration 
program from PMMail to T-Bird.  I have my whole PMMail program backed up 
on a separate hard disk, and if the migration requires a running session 
of PMMail I can always load those accounts and folders on my wife's 
machine to generate the required files.  Unfortunately,  I don't have a 
copy of the message that gave the source of the migration program.  Does 
anyone have that?

I would appreciate any help that is out there.

    Phil Kane

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