Mailing Lists
Roger Lindmark
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 21:38:10 +0200
On Fri, 2 Apr 1999 20:56:13 -0500, Subba Rao wrote:
>I have subscribed to a few network related lists. When I post a question, I would
>like to send the same post to the other network mailing lists. I do not want to
>send CC to the other lists, since the replies can get messy.
>Is there any way to send a mail to LIST1, LIST2.....LISTN, seperately.
>I am also aware of the BOUNCE feature. I was wondering about some
>scripting solution to send mail to a set of mailing lists.
>Thank you in advance for any help or pointers.
I have posted to three different Lists at one time. I added all three
lists in the To: and it worked very well. No adverse effect was noted.
Sincerely Yours
** TagIt/2 v2.0.1 **
... Keep in mind: Piece of cake over peace on earth.
- Forrest Gump