Mailing Lists

Roger Lindmark PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Tue, 6 Apr 1999 00:54:47 +0200

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999 13:45:22 -0700, Paul Wiener wrote:

>On Mon, 5 Apr 1999 21:38:10 +0200, Roger Lindmark wrote:
>>>I have subscribed to a few network related lists. When I post a question, I would
>>>like to send the same post to the other network mailing lists. I do not want to
>>>send CC to the other lists, since the replies can get messy.
>>>Is there any way to send a mail to LIST1, LIST2.....LISTN, seperately.
>>>I am also aware of the BOUNCE feature. I was wondering about some
>>>scripting solution to send mail to a set of mailing lists.
>>>Thank you in advance for any help or pointers.
>>I have posted to three different Lists at one time. I added all three
>>lists in the To: and it worked very well. No adverse effect was noted.
>I believe that with your approach, the reply-situation can get even messier.
>Subba Rao makes a good point. Some list administrators frown on the kind of
>xposting that includes more than one list in the same envelope. That can result
>in replies intended for one particular list to go to another where they will be off
I am not sure that you are correct. Crossposting can be inhibited by
the fact that you have to be subscriber to be able to post to a list.
Many lists have this restriction. In addition, if you hit reply to for
this list for instance you will only reply to the list or the sender. I
think most people use this and rarely reply to all.

Another alternative is to save the message to draft and then make the
needed copies to the outbox via RMB. You can then change the address
easily for the messages to the other lists. This is fairly easy.

Sincerely Yours

 ** TagIt/2 v2.0.1 **

... People to respect: Lonely Ranchers.

    - Forrest Gump