Timezones again - No problem!

Roger Lindmark PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 18:16:35 +0200

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 18:51:13 -0700, Bernhard Krevet wrote:

>Not a problem here!
>Switched automagically at the right time from PST to PDT.
>My setting is
>    SET TZ=pst8pdt,4,1,0,7200,10,-1,0,7200,3600

Sweden here! I had neither problem with the transition to summertime
and I used TZCALC to calculate the string:
SET TZ=CET-1CDT,3,-1,0,3600,10,-1,0,3600,3600 . Of course I used the
program Time868, which actually changed the system clock, as this is
not automatically changed when summertime takes place.

Sincerely Yours



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    But turn it off before you get on the Picket Line.

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