Starting PMMail 98 from browsers ?
Gunnar Anzinger
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 01:38:34 +0200
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:01:31 -0400, Michael Baum wrote:
> After much trial I've come to the conclusion that this just can't be
> done. I've never seen a satisfactory (read "working") solution to the
> general problem of getting PMMail98 to respond properly to the "mailto"
> URL tag. I use both IE4 and Opera 3.5, and it comes as no surprise that
> there are problems with Netscape as well.
I don't know about Netscape but it works for me with Opera and MSIE.
In Opera go to Preferences->Mail, choose "Use external mail application"
and enter "<path>\PMMailw.exe /srd".
If you use NT it is important that you either use PMMail under the same
account you used to install PMMail or that you copy the registry entry of
PMMail from the account you used to install PMMail to every other account
under which you want to use PMMail (with regedit export/import). Otherwise
PMMail will not find its correct working directory.
Bye, Gunnar