How to autodial on Windows
Joerg Bencke
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 11:00:53 +0200
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999 02:43:35 +0300, Cristian Secara wrote:
>Speaking about Win98, that does not apply.
>'Always dial my default connection' option manually checked = Worked fine with Netscape and PMMail98.
Ahh, good to know. Thanks for the tip. well, thinking of it it stands to
reason. Since IE is integrated in the desktop now, they can allow other
programms to use the DUN correctly, since they have a new feature ahead.
Come to think of it, thats a schoolbook example I could have used in my
final exam for "hyper-marketing" :-) Well my prof understood me anyway.
*OOps, back OnT*
Johannes wrote about "hanging up even though traffic is on the line":
> I may suggest: You'll see this most time after having used a M$-app (IE, OE
> etc...), the DUN then wants to quit the connection...
You actually got my hopes up there, but no, thats not enough. Did not do
the trick not to start MS products. *sigh*
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