Text wrapping?
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 23:44:41 -0500
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 12:56:02 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
| On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:16:20 +0200, Alexander Sarras wrote:
| >Obviously _No_ C64-user ;->
| C=64 was, what, 40? I remember the CoCo was 32. That sucked going to
| C=64 BBSs. You defiantely saw that all too familiar long/short line
| syndrome. :)
Nostalgia is making me jump in on this thread.. ;) I had a VIC-20.
Yes, it was my first computer.. Lesse.. that was in the mid 70s..
I got on a UNIX system with it.. hahha Gawds.. That was a trip!!
The VICs screen was 22 characters across!! I upgraded shortly
thereafter to a Commodore 64.. It did indeed have 40 column screen,
which VT52 worked very well with, after digesting 'terminfo', setting
up a proper termcap and 'set term=' in the csh.rc. hahha Those were
the days of REAL computing! ::snicker::
Peace.. *->- Lynlee