PGP signatures

Roger Lindmark PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 18:01:29 +0200

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 03:06:23 +0300, Cristian Secara wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:20:17 -0700, Peter Skye wrote:
>>Older versions of MS-DOS had a utility called FC.EXE (File Compare)
>>which compared two text files and gave you the differences.  MS-DOS 6
>>doesn't have it.
>I am using an old
>COMPARE 1.0 (C) 1988 Ziff Communications Co.
>PC Magazine _ Michael J. Mefford
>Syntax:  COMPARE filespec filespec[/B][/W]
>/B = Binary   /W = WordStar
>Is not the world's perfect compare program, but works well in
>conjunction with DOS Navigator User Menu (my preferred DOS Shell).

There is a shareware program for OS/2 PMDiff, which tells the
difference between two text files.

Sincerely Yours


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