PGP signatures

Steve Lamb PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 09:20:32 -0700


On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:04:55 -0400, Ralph Cohen wrote:

>Actually, I have a pretty firm grasp of the concept.  It is you who
>keeps looking to invent problems for which yours is the only solution.

    No, you're ignoring the problems.  The point is, if the original isn't
signed there is no guarentee that any copies will match the original.  That
is a basic concept in all of this.

>You actually seem to be the one with a selective reading problem since
>you forgot to read and quote the part where I pointed out that the PGP
>information you include in your message is, like the HTML information,
>of little or no value to most participants in this list.

    You didn't provide statistics.  So far I've seen a lot of people come up
and point out that they:
Don't see the PGP block
Have my public PGP keys
Do see my messages signed.

    You forget, you're on a list where the people who subscribe are using an
email client which makes it very easy to use PGP.  All you have is that it is
of no value to *YOU*.

>Hmmm, let's see.  If you send a two line message and add your PGP
>information to it,  the message expands to 13 lines which represents a
>growth of 550%.  Do YOU grasp the concept?

    Yeah, I do.  So, uh, Ralph, exactly how many 2 line messages do you see
in most mailing lists?  Right now, of the messages I have on this list, the
average message size is 5K.  Wait, 5K was the figure I used, wasn't it?

    Of all the mailing lists this account is subscribed to, the average
message size is closer to 2K, not 175 bytes.  Also, HTML encoding is a
constant, the minimum bloat is 100%.  PGP, the larger the message, the less
the realative bloat.

    I'm still waiting for that brain of yours to wrap itself around this
"hard" concept.

>Oh, you're right.  I meant to say that only a congenitally brain-dead
>imbecile would fail to appreciate the fundamental truths which were
>contained in my brilliant piece of parody.  Sorry for so obviously
>confusing you and for inadvertently disparaging morons everywhere.

    I'm still waiting for you to speak any truths at all, Ralph.  You have no
understanding of PGP, why the ORIGINAL must be signed, why signed copies are
not the same, that the PGP information does not equate to the bloat of HTML
in real life situations.  So far all I see is a man who is pissed off that he
sees 5-7 lines of "Garbage" that he can't use and wants to whine, piss and
moan about it in public.

    As I stated before, nothing you say or do will change what I do, so do
your self a favor and filter me now.

- --
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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