problem was: (null)

Roger Lindmark PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 00:48:15 +0200

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:59:58 -0400, Bill McCarthy wrote:

>On Mon, 26 Apr 1999 18:01:50 +0200, Roger Lindmark wrote:
>>On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 19:50:52 -0400, Bill McCarthy wrote:
>>>Why are you checking "e", "d" and "v" a second time?
>>For me it is not e, d and v it is the swedish national characters e, d
>>and v. I guess it must have been distorted for you by the mail server
>>in combination with your codepage.
>Sorry Roger, I didn't notice the .SE in your ID.  Those characters are
>normal US-ASCII e, d & v in the .msg file from your post.  PMMail, WinNT
>or my ISP is not handling the ISO-8859-1 you specify.

Yes, they are clearly distorted it should be a umlaut, a ring and o

Sincerely Yours


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