Not dead yet...
David Gaskill
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 11:08:08 +0100
On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:21:56 +0200, Anders Gjerl v wrote:
>Just running through some old mails :)
>Found this quote from Bob: (Thanks Steve!)
>>I know it seems that we've dropped off the face of the earth, and in
>>some respects we have. Just too many new things to experience in a
>>new city. But we try not to stray too far :)
I got flamed when I suggested before that as OS/2 is effectively dead as
a desktop operating system (heresy, heresy!) writing mail clients for it
was hardly likely to to result in a bank balance similar to that of Bill Gates
(spit, spit!).
I also said that I had never come across another user of the PMmail 98
who was not, like me, a migrant from OS/2 (traitor, renegade!)
I can't see that Bob and Icon can treat PMmail as anything other than a
hobby these days - after all they have got to eat. It might be thought that
their absence from this list confirms this.
>Anyone know how close we are now? ;o) "real real close" maybe?
I suspect it depends on when Bob and Icon have got a bit of time to spare
for their hobby ...
(If you feel that my self-flaming is inadequate please feel free to join in)