Not dead yet...

Jim Nuytens
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:20:49 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 16:03:55 +0100, David Gaskill wrote:

>I find it difficult to believe that Soutsoft now receive any new registrations 
>for the OS/2 version of PMmail. 

Well, sorry to disappoint you, but about 3 months ago SouthSoft got my
registration for PMMail/2.

>So far as I'm aware you can't even buy 
>the operating system any more. Maybe there are still a few users of OS/2 
>who have not yet upgraded from the pathetic mail client that it comes with 
>but I find this difficult to believe.  

Well, for someone who claims they used to use OS/2, you certainly
aren't very informed. As someone else pointed out, it's available from
one of the places it's always been available from: Indelible Blue.

Please be sure to check your facts next time. Thank you.