filters, bouncing more than one?

Erik P. Olsen
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 12:47:07 +0200 (DST)

I haven't tried it, but I guess you could have as many bounces as you
like, one after the other.

Erik P. Olsen

On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 08:57:57 +0100 (MEZ), Andreas Ludwig wrote:

>On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 11:18:54 -0700, Curtis Delzer wrote:
>Hi Curtis!
>>How do you bounce a message to more than one address with a filter, 
>>From the help:
>      Bounce Message - This action bounces the 
>       message to another person.  You must type the 
>       e-mail address you want the message bounced 
>       to in the entry field that appears to the right. 
>       You can enter an e-mail address, an address 
>       book alias, an address book name, or a 
>       grouplist. 
>The easiest solution would be to create a grouplist (it is usefull anyway) and put the name 
>of the group into the filter.
>Hope that helps