Old dates crash PMMail 2000
John M Price, PhD
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 05:54:22 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Jonathan B. Bayer wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Dec 1999 13:12:08 +0100, xavier caballe wrote:
> >>I've recently noticed that when I receive email where the date is old, like
> >>from 1996, that message makes PMMail 2000 crash. Restarting PMMail and trying
> >>to retrieve mail again results in a crash at that same message. My solution
> >>has been to use Netscape to delete that one 'offending' messaage from the
> >>POP3 server.
> >
> >I haven't tested it... but you don't need Netscape to delete a message on
> >the POP3 Server... you can use the Remote Control capability (Account ->
> >Remote Control) to erase messages on the server.
> But his problem was that he couldn't even get to that point. He had
> his PMMail set to fetch upon startup, and it kept crashing. In order
> to use the Remote Control in this case, he needs to set his options to
> not fetch he account on startup. Then he would have a chance to use
> the Remote Control before it crashes the program.
But isn't the point that this should *not* crash the email program?
John M. Price, PhD jmprice@calweb.com
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