Colored Backgrounds
David Gaskill
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 16:38:44
On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 16:45:03 +0100 (MEZ), Alexander Sarras wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 12:24:04, David Gaskill wrote:
>> Some of the people with whom I do business use HTML format in their e-mails -
>> are you suggesting that to I should refuse to do business with them on principle?
>No, that's your decision.
>> What's wrong with HTML e-mail anyway?
>Easy, If you'd have to pay per time online on a phone line, you wouldn't
>want to pay 2 to 20 times as much just because someone thinks html in email
>is way cool, would you?
I do pay for time on-line on my phone line. During business hours it costs me about five
US cents per minute. Typically the difference in cost between receiving an ASCII e-mail
and and HTML one is less than a cent; quite often this represents good value for money
for the increase in clarity that HTML format permits. In the cases where it doesn't my
solvency is not be threatened ...
>So I just don't get those messages. Luckily I am in the position that most
>people want something from me, not the other way round....
I can't argue with this if you supply whatever it is that people want from you free of
charge. In my case those that want something from me are generally prepared to pay for
it. This is fortunate because it tends to preserve my solvency and keeps hunger at bay ...