Colored Backgrounds

Cristian Secara
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 02:01:19 +0200

On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:33:24 -0600, John Thompson wrote:

>> What's wrong with HTML e-mail anyway?
>One word: bandwidth.

What on earth 'waste of bandwidth' could make a 10k HTML-ized 
message, if a search with Altavista (for example) represents more than 
20k per page, excluding graphics ?

As for the costs (my case):
   e-mail => get, disconnect, read off-line; e-mail account free of charge
   www page => get, stay connect, read on-line; access is pay-per-time
Conclusion: I simply don't care about mail bandwidth, I do care about 
www bandwidth instead ...

Best wishes,