HTMLised email
David Gaskill
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 00:01:40
On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 12:17:31 -0800 (PST), Steve Wendt wrote:
>>On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 18:17:44, David Gaskill wrote:
>>>I really don't think this is true but it is probably true that Microsoft is more
>>>important in setting Internet standards than those that compose RFCs. No
>>God help us if that were true! The Internet would have crashed and burned
>>long ago if it were running on M$ "standards." The Internet runs on things like
>>Sendmail, BIND, Apache, all REAL standards.
Maybe I should have put the word "now" in front of "true" in the message you
quote. With that qualification I think that what I said is probably pretty near the
mark. After all who originated frames and the subject of this thread, HTML e-mail?
As someone who has used NT for a few years now I am probably more aware of
Microsoft's shortcomings than you are but any organisation which has achieved the
dominance, not to say the monopoly, that Microsoft has is bound to take a fair
amount of stick.
I would suggest that this dominance does have its upside; I can send an e-mail to
someone in China with a Word attachment and be pretty certain that the recipient
can read it. (It may well be that his copy of Word is pirated but but I don't imagine
you would be too worried by this. If I chose to send it as a HTML e-mail he could
probably read this as well on his pirated copy of Outlook Express...)
Microsoft would not have achieved this dominance if their products were the load of
rubbish that some suggest and, like it or not, in many areas of computing Microsoft
do now set the standards.