Colored Backgrounds
Alexander Sarras
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 09:09:39 +0100 (MEZ)
On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 16:22:07 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Saturday, December 11, 1999, 10:49:10 AM, Alexander wrote:
> >> Probably shouldn't have even thought that. <g> OK I'll take it back.
> >>
> > To late, or does anyone know how to stop a carrier pidgeon?
> >;->
> Hey now! I resent the implication that my P5-100 server is a carrier
> pigeon. Darn it, it is a carrier EAGLE! *pout*
Darn! That's why none of my falcons ever came back. Can anyone give me the
coordinatews for my icbm? ;->
-- | * Trouble * IS my middle name!
| The TroubleShooter