Colored Backgrounds
Wilson Rook
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:45:02 -0500 (EST)
On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 20:32:34 +0100 (MEZ), Alexander Sarras wrote:
>On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:15:10 -0500 (EST), Wilson Rook wrote:
>> As an option over an attachment, I would prefer an html email. I don't have Office
and it
>> is a pain to open Star Office only to find the attachment to be one of the few that can't
>> read.
>Which one is that?
Which attachment -- Once in a while I'll receive a Word attachment that can not
be read by Star Office. It may be a result of how the file was attached, or some other
The point I was intending is that it would be easier - even if only by a little bit to
have the message in html over an attachment.
Of course a spreadsheet would be of much less value as html vs. an attachment.
I think e-mail should be kept simple. If ascii will work us it. If simple html is needed,
that also is good. If it takes more than that - it should not be an email.
> | * Trouble * IS my middle name!
> | The TroubleShooter