Colored Backgrounds (or not...)

Paul Hodges
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:17:29

On Mon, 13 Dec 1999 19:14:19 -0800 (PST), Bill Wood wrote:

>  With remarkable uniformity,
>  everybody underestimated what we could do and,
>  particularly, how fast we could do it.

Fine - so either climate change isn't real (as some still say); or we
can control it as visionary SF writers and others in the 50s thought
we could do by the end of the century.  We can't.

In the 50s we thought we would have near-free electricity from fusion
in a couple of decades.  We don't.

The population of the world is still growing fast, and there won't
necessarily be room or food for everyone.  The visionaries predicted
that space travel would/will enable us to whisk the willing excess
population off to space-stations and new planets which are just
waiting for our arrival. Do you see that in the next few years? 
Actually a large proportion of the world's people are already
miserable and starving - but not where we live so let's not worry
about them.

The failure of the visionaries is matched only by the arrogance of
those who think that /their/ future is the one they've missed.  The
future will be something you haven't thought of either - and like
those who went from the Days of Empire to the First World War, you
won't necessarily like it.

Paul Hodges
QBS Software

(wondering what on earth this has to do with HTML email, which is an
abomination IMHO)