Wish List for PMMail II
Atomic Frog
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 23:55:00 -0800 (PST)
I'll add my bits:
New Features:
- Account folders should stay at their previous state (i.e.
open/expanded or closed). Currently, it always "opens" all account
folders, subsequently, I get a big list of Account1->Inbox,Outbox,Sent
Mail,Trash Account2->Inbox,Outbox,Sent Mail,Trash etc...
I have certain accounts which are rarely used and I prefer not to have
to scroll around to get at other accounts.
- Unread messages in Trash shouldn't flag the Account to have unread
(or at least an option to turn it on/off)
- Text colour can be customized.
- Put the "Explorer URL" option back where it was! (On the RMB popup
menu, the option immediately next is "Copy" and "Explore URL" is one
up. This one little item caused me a lot of hassle when upgraded to
- Drag 'n drop colour into Preview pane or message view/edit window
doesn't stick. If I drag something from the Mixed colour palette, it
works, and looks good. But the next time I open PMMail/2, it reverts to
whatever colour in the Solid palette that it decides is a good
(I didn't see this one on the list, but I could be blind)
- Right mouse button pop-up menu doesn't work unless you have a Canned
Reply defined for the account.
Right that's it. I hope BluePrint doesn't take this list as a sign that
I'm dissatisfied with PMMail/2. Far from it! One of the nicest, bug
free pieces of software I have.