Wish List for PMMail II
Trevor Smith
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:29:29 -0400 (AST)
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:15:12 -0800 (PST), Atomic Frog wrote:
> Yes, of course, I'd love to. The question is how? No, I haven't
>_thoroughly_ read through the documentation, but the method is not obvious
>to me.
"Account->Account Settings", "Preferences" page, uncheck "Open
>> When you send messages to the trash, mark them as read in the filter.
> I will look into this. Does this mean I have to setup a special
>filter for the trash?
The original suggestion was assuming your unread mail was being sent
to the trash by a filter. Some people receive stuff they
automatically junk because they know it's spam or whatever. If you
were filtering it to the trash anyway, you could mark it as 'read' in
the same filter.
I get the impression you were referring to mail you view the subject
of, decide you don't want, and manually send to the trash folder. If
this is what you meant, I think you'll have to "alt-r" it (to mark it
read) before trashing it, for now.
>> > - Text colour can be customized.
>> As in, what? It is customizable.
> Again, how? Somebody mentioned drag 'n drop, but that just changes
PMMail/2 uses the standard OS/2 method of changing foreground and
background text colours. Drag and drop to change the background
colour (as you know); Drag and drop with Ctrl pressed to change the
foreground colour (the colour of the text itself).
>the BACKGROUND colour of the editor or viewer window (which doesn't
>stick, by the way). If there's an option in PMMail/2, I can't find it.
The non-stickiness of colours is allegedly due to a bug in the way
OS/2 handles some window elements. Solid colours will work, most
mixed colours will not work for the preview pane and a few other
window elements.
Trevor Smith | We've got a blind date with destiny,
trevor@haligonian.com | and it looks like she's ordered
www.haligonian.com | the lobster. - The Shoveler