what's wrong with Dave's message(s) ?
David Gaskill
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:32:29
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999 20:46:36 -0600 (CST), John Thompson wrote:
>Well I guess I can thank PMMAIL/2 for stripping out the superfluous html
>tags and displaying your message in plain, the way God intended email to
>be read... :-)
"And on the first day of the second week God created ASCII and he saw
that it was good ..."
I hadn't previously realised that the biblical prohibition of the manufacture of
"graven images"was actually a reference to HTML e-mail. Bob & Icon's
inclusion of this abomination in PMmail 2000 probably accounts for the fact
that they have apparently been cast into outer darkness.
Can anybody recommend an on-line source of sackcloth and ashes?