Chris Adams
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 16:49:58 -0700

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 16:00:25 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

>>There are others around here and yes, most of us thought we were too
>>young to be curmudgeons as well. Just be thankful you aren't doing tech
>>support for WebTV.
>    Been there, done that.  2.5 years of tech support at a local ISP, another
>6 months as postmaster, partial tech at the same place.  I paid my dues.

Sounds like it. ATSR has made me very, very, very glad I've never been in
tech support. I just have to keep telling myself that I'm getting the
*smarter* users.

>>nazi-like verification script - this beast will actually contact their
>>mail host and verify the email address before continuing.  The lusers
>>made me do it! <evil grin>)
>    I hope you realize a lot of places no longer honor VRFY as it can be used
>for a spam address culling technique.

Quite aware of it. In this case I just send the "Welcome to the list"
email directly. If the server doesn't return an error, it adds them.
Throw in some timeouts and error checking and we're all set...
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