Netscape integration (or whither Southsoft ?)

Cristian Secara
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 15:02:29 +0300

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On Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:13:03 -0400 (EDT), Ralph Cohen wrote:

>PMMail/2 works quickly here on my PII-333 although I haven't used the
>Windows version.

PMMail98 appears to be slower than its counterpart PMMail/2 when
opening messages larger than, approx, 15k. At the time I started to use
Windows I kept one common partition (FAT16) and used both PMMail
version sharing the same message database. The OS/2 version ran
practically lightspeed while the Windows version was incredible slow.
Nothing changed up now, at least at the Windows side.
The Windows version has HTML support, perhaps the text reading routines
are slow by this cause. Strange thing, it is slow even if the message
is a text-only one.

>I'm currently using Warp4+FP10 and I've found that my systems have
>generally gotten quicker and more stable with each release. We
>regularly run OS/2, Windows, Java and DOS on these systems.  I've found
>the FixPak installations to be extremely smooth and relatively bug

Generally, when comparing to the original release (i.e. Warp 4 CDs),
you're right.
But ... I am using 'normal' applications, using 'normal' hardware.
I have two printers, a Citizen 9pin impact printer and a Lexmark inkjet
Trying to print with my Citizen printer (OS/2) ... the first line on
every page is corrupt, completely unreadable.
Trying to print with my Lexmark printer (OS/2) ... any picture included
has a bad draft quality, something like pictures on newspapers about 40
years ago.

Strange, this piece of shit of Windows (3.11, 95, 98) prints perfectly
on both printers.
Lexmark is an IBM company, isn't ?

How happy I am that fixpak 11 fixes
APAR= JR12610

How about fixing my printing ?

They (IBM) started the GRADD project. The last version works really
fast on my STB Velocity videocard, much faster than generic drivers
(STB has no OS/2 driver support).
But ... switching 3 times between DOS window to full screen, the great
OS/2 stable operating system locks stable (needs hardware reset). 

Strange, this piece of shit of Windows (3.11, 95, 98) has good STB
video drivers, fast and reliable. No problem if switching 100 times
between DOS window to full screen.

>I have never installed a FixPak that didn't fix a lot more
>problems than new ones created.

Could be.
But as I said, since fixpak 6 or 7 (I cannot remember exactly) my
Virgin Monopoly game, an old DOS app, that I like very much, locks and
cannot be played anymore (with no impact on the rest of the OS/2
functionality, except the sound).
*This* is what I need, something that the damned Windows performs well
and the great OS/2 fails.

>Why do you need InJoy?  OS/2 has a dialer included (yes, it sucks but
>it does work and it's free and there are shareware dialers available

The OS/2 included dialer doesn't know about PAP and/or CHAP
authentication, which is used by my provider (and other providers too).

>There are also several OS/2 and Java shareware email programs to 
>choose from as well.

I was speaking about mailers included with the operating system itself.
Windows keeps its mailer in continuous development, OE being one of the
best mailers today.
OS/2's Ultimail is something ridiculous for these days, they changed
*nothing* since Warp 3 was born.

Best wishes,

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