Netscape integration (or whither Southsoft ?)

John Drabik
Sun, 11 Jul 99 22:30:29

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 12:24:35 -0700 (PDT), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:

>>Ah, I'm basing my comments on V1.53 (never could get 1.9x to install,
>>it kept cross-referencingy totally unrelated files.  For example...........
>This sounds like a disk file system cross-link problem. Maybe you should
>check disk file status. I never encountered this problem with any version
>of PMM/2. You may wish to try the latest version v2.00.1500. This version
>has all the features previously stated.

The system was very, very carefully checked.  No problems could be
found, and no other programs had troubles.  It isn't necessarily a
file system problem though: I think PMMail is using extended
attributes, and there may have been a conflict with the name of some

Again, despite the problems, I've never found a better e-mail
program, and I look forward to the new release.
